Web behavior:
- 60% personalize home pages
- 53% share bookmarks
- 56% use RSS feeds
- 35% use tag clouds
- Almost all read the "most popular" or "most emailed" items on sites
Video behavior:
- 67% regularly watch videos on YouTube, etc.
- 95% have watched online videos in the last 3 months
- 49% have uploaded online videos in the last 3 months
- 85% have watched online movie previews in last 3 months
- 71% have watched a TV show online in the last 3 months
Music, photos, and blogs:
- 42% regularly purchase music online
- 41% use photo-sharing sites
- 70% read blogs regularly
Online research when making product selection decisions:
- 92%+ use the web when making product buying decisions (research, reviews, retailer location, price comparison, etc.)
- 54% start their product research at a search engine
- 14% start it at a comparison shopping engine
- 30% start it at an e-commerce or retailer site
- 55% rely on user reviews most when choosing products
- 21% rely on expert reviews most
- After product selected, most important criteria when choosing where to buy are price (38%) and site reputation (38%)
- 32% use mobile phone to listen to music
- 24% use mobile phone to watch video
- 36% use mobile phone to check headlines
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