quinta-feira, março 01, 2007

Coisas da complexidade das redes e afins...

Seth Godin, novamente, levanta umas bolas da "nova" web:
"As the web gets more sophisticated, we find new variations all the time. Chris points us to SwitchPlanet.Com. Craigslist meets eBay meets Netflix. For charity."

Ai, u revisitei a tralhoteca e lembrei de 3 livrinhos "mágicos" (apesar de meio indigestos) sobre network efects, que valem a pena ser lidos.

Weak Links: Stabilizers of Complex Systems from Proteins to Social Networks (The Frontiers Collection) (Hardcover)

Book 2 - The Structure and Dynamics of Networks: (Princeton Studies in Complexity) (Paperback)

Book 3 - Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks between Order and Randomness (Princeton Studies in Complexity) (Paperback)

Divirtam-se :)

SENTAPUA! E vamos à luta, filhos da Pátria!

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