Essa semana, o presidente do todo poderoso FED americano fez um discurso falando de ... Desigualdades... A parte doloroza diz:
"Rising inequality is not a recent development but has been evident for at least three decades, if not longer. The data on the real weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers illustrate this pattern. In real terms, the earnings at the 50th percentile of the distribution (which I will refer to as the median wage) rose about 11-1/2 percent between 1979 and 2006. Over the same period, the wage at the 10th percentile, near the bottom of the wage distribution, rose just 4 percent, while the wage at the 90th percentile, close to the top of the distribution, rose 34 percent ... The long-term trend toward greater inequality seen in real wages is also evident in broader measures of financial well-being, such as real household income."
Curiosamente, o indiano Jagdish Bhagwati argumenta no FT que as tecnologias da informação aumentam isso...
Enquanto isso, na sala de justiça, um bando de gente está produzindo um interessante filme sobre a cura do capitalismo. Veja a introdução!
E ai, Nick Carr arregaça com tudo de vez, ao argumentar (usando o youtube) que:
"Bernanke, like Bhagwati, focuses on the displacement of relatively low-skilled jobs by information technology. But if you look at more recent trends, you see that software is becoming increasingly more adept at taking over work that has traditionally required relatively high skills - or even, in YouTube's case, enabling the creation of sophisticated goods through the large-scale and automated harvesting of free labor. The next wave of "superstars" may be algorithms - and the small number of people that control them."
Finalmente, em outro post, o mesmo Nick demonstra onde e o que é que serão as "fábricas do futuro", ao comentar os acordos da Google para instalar.... DATA CENTERS no estádo de North Carolina. Intrigante!
Eai, vai ficar parado com cara de guará que viu um catinguelê?
SENTAPUA! E vamos à luta, filhos da pátria!
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