quinta-feira, fevereiro 15, 2007

Uma boa idéia...

Vi um monte de posts recentemente sobre pra que diacho servem as "redes sociais profissionais", como o LinkedIn, px.

Jonh Uddel, por exemplo, pergunta "How many networks can one person join? How many different identities can one person sanely manage? How many different tagging or photo-uploading or friending protocols can one person deal with?

Recently Gary McGraw echoed Ben Smith’s 1991 observation. “People keep asking me to join the LinkedIn network,” he said, “but I’m already part of a network, it’s called the Internet.”

Ai Tim O'Reilly também comentou que "When one of the big communications vendors (email, IM OR phone) gets this right, simply by instrumenting our communications so that the social network becomes visible (and under the control of the user), it seems to me that they could blow away a lot of the existing social network froth."

Fiquei pensando... O Plaxo já não devia fazer isso?


SENTAPUA! E vamos à luta, filhos da Pátria!

Um comentário:

Iaiá disse...

Qto tempo!
Nossa... tanta coisa mudou...
Me adiciona no orkut...
To com blog novo: osdoisladosdajanela.blogspot

Bjo, I.