sexta-feira, fevereiro 09, 2007

Modelos de Negócios em Software e SaaS - Parte 2

Entre as idas e vindas, mais um post excelente de Phil Wainewright, desta vez agumentando que

"So it looks as though GAYD is going to adopt exactly the same model as, WebEx, NetSuite and all the other leading on-demand SaaS vendors. But after the initial celebrations there ought also to be a fair bit of trepidation among the SaaS establishment about the substantial risks introduced by Google's endorsement. Here is a high-profile entrant to the market that is known for its high-handedness. If Google mishandles its debut it could do immense damage to the SaaS sector — and not care."

Ou seja, qdo um mastodonte como o Google resolve se meter num ecossistema de formigas e no máximo escaravelhos, como o, os impactos podem ser desastrosos. O maior ponto é que até hoje, Google vive de anuncios. E o resto, de asssinaturas. Phil cita suas preocupações, em especial, que:

"Yet there's a huge difference in expectation between ad-funded search and subscription-funded business applications. I'm not sure that Google really understands what a difference that makes — in common with most Internet giants. Amazon doesn't. Microsoft doesn't even take its business customers seriously. Yahoo can't even automate basic customer requirements. So when (not if) Google Apps falls over, I'm sure we can rely on Google to turn it into a complete PR disaster. "

Além disso, movimentos paralelos recentes, só mostram movimentação deles ainda mais profundamente em direção ao modelo de Ad-Based business, neste post, onde se conta que "Google has reportedly looked at acquiring AdScape Media, a small Ontario, Canada company that specializes in so-called in-game ads"

Portanto, por ai vem mais cenas desta novela. Agora, com um Mamute na terra dos insetos.

SENTAPUA! E vamos à luta, filhos da Pátria!

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